Waldo CID is a Political subdivision funded by public money via sales tax assessments.
We were challenged to increase awareness of the Waldo Service Industry through social media campaigns and special event promotion.
Goal & Objectives:

Increase awareness of the Waldo shopping area.
• Increase sales by 10%
• Increase social media engagement and followers by 10%
• Increase special event attendance

  • To create a cohesive brand and voice representing over 600 various businesses, services, and merchants.
  • Curate and create original content on 3 social media platforms representing 600+ businesses.
  • Carry the brand through to print, radio, and events.
  • Drive traffic to Waldo businesses and services in crowded marketplace.
  • Competing against 5 other shopping and entertainment districts within a 5 mile radius.
  • Use the challenge of 600+ businesses to our advantage and create a brand campaign that focuses on Waldo’s diversity.
  • Creative COOP print ads for a cohesive brand message.
  • Social media campaigns revolving around individual industries and special events.
  • Stay top of mind with Waldo followers, neighbors and consumers with strategic advertising and social media posting during specific time periods.
  • Focus on reaching potential customers within 3-mile radius of Waldo – the prime target audience.
  • Use community events throughout the year to reach “Entertainment Seekers” group to expand the customer base bringing people to the area for a purpose, and for shopping and dining before or after event.
Primary: Neighbors within three-mile radius, age 35-60:

  • Families, empty nesters, DINKS
  • Convenience – walk or close by restaurants, shops, services
  • Think of it as MY neighborhood
  • Digitally plugged in. Online via desktop, laptop, mobile devices
  • Web and circle of friends serve as primary research sources
  • Music lovers, enjoy cultural activities
Secondary: Entertainment Seekers, age 24-34

  • Attend Waldo Crawldo, Fall Fest and Small Business Saturday
  • Current and former residents of area
  • Stay up-to-date on KC area happenings
  • Updating and posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram about their weekend activities
Most important campaign statistic:

There were over 350 clicks to various service industry businesses featured in the campaign.

Evaluation and results:

Novella Brandhouse began managing EVERYTHING Waldo’s social media profiles in Q1 of 2015.  The Facebook profile began with an overall reach of 32,664.  In this short time frame, we have increased that reach by 269%, reaching more than 120,382 people with original content and organic posts.  Our followers have increased 45%, sales traffic in the Waldo area is increasing, and special event attendance is on the rise.