Did you know the average American views over 4,000 ads a day? With that in mind, it is imperative that your brand message is both relevant and in the spotlight. Marketing budgets and strategy have never been so important. Making sure every advertising dollar is spent with exacting precision; reaching your target audience in the right market channels with a strategic, well-crafted and creative message – all things that must be on your To Do list.

If you’ve defined your target audience correctly, you should know who they are, where they live, which activities they engage in and what media they read, watch, click or listen to. Now take a look at your marketing or media plan and ask yourself, “Are these billboards, radio spots and Facebook ads reaching the intended audience?” If your marketing campaign is not speaking directly to your targeted customer set, it may be time to reanalyze your approach; looking at who your audience is and how to best reach them.

Once you have your audience’s attention it’s important to speak in their language and effectively communicate your brand message. Each ad that you run in the newspaper, each YouTube video pre-roll that airs and each direct mail piece you send must communicate your company’s mission, what sets it apart from the competition and what value it provides. If you’re not obtaining this with every marketing piece then you might as well throw your money out the window.

When scrutinizing your promotional dollars, ask yourself, “does this message stick?” A well-crafted idea with the right creative spin and placed into the appropriate media channel for your intended audience is money wisely spent, every time. Consistently connecting the dots between the product or service you provide and the product or service your customers need is the key not only to a successful marketing campaign but also to a meaningful brand.