A healthy content strategy is data-driven with a branding component that lets your audience know what you’re all about. In this three-part series, we will break down the key components of creating a content strategy.

Developing a strong content strategy means looking objectively at what’s currently working and what isn’t. It also means creating a strong voice that shows your brand in the way you want to be presented. Go with what works! For some brands, that’s a funny outlook on life, or showing how much they love the community, and yet for others, it’s about highlighting results. Whatever content approach suits you, make sure you’re choosing it because it best displays your brand and is driven by data that supports your decisions.


Though we always say to go with your gut, it doesn’t hurt to have data to back it up. There are a lot of KPIs (Key performance indicators) that you can look to, but the short answer is that you need to look at what has been most successful in the past and capitalize on that.

Sometimes clients who enjoy posting to Facebook, actually have a thriving Twitter account. Though it can still be valuable to be on both platforms, you need to take an objective look at your content.

  • What is growing and performing well naturally? Are you responding to comments or questions? Where do you find yourself spending the most time on social? Where do your people want to engage?
  • Be where your strongest community is. If you find that you get the most engagement on Facebook, be there, engage with and talk to your community. If it’s Instagram, make sure your pictures are stellar and your stories are keeping people up-to-date. If it’s your email newsletters, chock them full of goodies for subscribers.
  • Take time to look at gaps that you could fill. You don’t have to be on every social platform, but it would behoove you to be on at least one. If you’re not on any social platforms, be on the one that you personally enjoy the most, because it won’t feel like so much of a hassle to nurture.

If you’re unsure of where your content gaps are, do some research. What companies do you admire? Where are your competitors? How are they using content to bring in leads and boost sales?

Next Up:

Designing a Cohesive Content Strategy

Breaking Down Strategic Communication through a Campaign