Most TikTok users are members of GenZ, meaning they were born between the years of 1997 and 2012. Generation Z, or “zoomers,” are known as the “First Digital Natives.” They are the only generation in America that has grown up with the internet, cellphones, and social media. For them, information has always been easily accessible. As this generation becomes the next era of consumers, it is important that as a brand, you know how to market towards them. 

Using TikTok’s platform is a great way to market to a GenZ audience, but it can also be a hit or miss. There are many ways to market your brand using this app, but today we are going to talk about the 5 “do’s and don’ts” when it comes to utilizing TikTok for digital marketing.


1. Participate in trends
When it comes to gaining traction on TikTok, the easiest way to increase audience interaction and viewership is by following popular trends. It can be a trending sound/song, a popular dance, or a common theme, as long as it is true to your brand identity. Since TikTok’s algorithm relies so much on previous engagement, it is important that you stay up-to-date with what is “cool” and “new” on this platform. 

2. Be authentic
With that being said, it is also vital to remain authentic when marketing digitally. If your brand prides itself on being inclusive, you wouldn’t want to use a trending sound that excludes one gender or age group. While some sounds may be funny and popular, they may not speak to your brand identity. You need to stay true to your brand voice when producing and publishing content on any social media platform.

3. Be transparent
Transparency is different from authenticity. Being transparent means to tell the full, honest story. This means replying to customer’s questions or poor reviews in the comments, instead of just deleting or ignoring them. It also means when marketing your brand, you are sharing your process, the behind-the-scenes, and your goals as a brand.


4. Sell the “experience,” not just the product
One aspect of marketing that is important to GenZers is “the experience.” The consumers of this generation will only interact with brands who’s messaging and marketing is not just promoting a product, but a “vibe.” 

5. Use eye-catching, fresh, and unique designs
Using new, distinctive and striking graphics and designs can help grow your brand audience on TikTok. It’s important to stay up to trend on colors, fonts, visuals, etc. when marketing digitally, but especially if your brand is looking to grow on TikTok.



1. Be “fake
GenZ is known for being conscious of the true identity of a brand. They will only interact with a brand that fits their lifestyle, whether that be politics, beliefs, environmental impact, or attitude. These consumers are big on “cancel culture.” They are quick to voice their opinions and share them with the world. Being “fake,” or selling an idea that doesn’t align with your brand, could lead to backlash from the GenZ community. So it is important when using TikTok, you are showing your entire brand identity. This will attract your ideal client and market towards your target audience. 

2. Over-do it
As a brand, you also want to ensure that your content is visually appealing. When making TikTok content, you don’t want to overwhelm the audience. Use minimal text, avoid using stickers/heavy filters, and keep it short. You also don’t want to flood your audience’s feed with too many videos. “Spamming” is a term that GenZ uses to refer to posting lots of content in a short amount of time. Giving your audience too many things to look at will burn them out, eventually pushing them away.

3. Re-use content
Keeping your audience entertained on TikTok is all about differentiating your brand from your competitors. One way to do this is by varying your content. Never reuse the same picture or video in more than one post, change up the sounds, try different trends, and be unique! But you must remember to keep your account cohesive and consistent at the same time. You also want to make sure that the content you create for TikTok only gets published to TikTok. Do not post a TikTok video on another social media platform. A good way to promote your TikTok content on other platforms without worrying you will bore your audience is through the “stories” feature. 


4. Forget to engage
TikTok is one social media platform where interacting with your audience is encouraged. The best way to do this is through replying to and liking comments from your audience. The people of GenZ want to know there is a face behind the brand. It is important when interacting with your audience on any social media platform, that you remain true to your brand voice while also using language that targets your ideal client.


5. Be overly formal
Your brand language and voice should always reflect your target audience. But, when trying to reach GenZ on TikTok, make sure you are keeping your speech casual and fun. TikTok varies from other social media platforms in the sense that it captures more of the “real” version of people and their brands. You aren’t expected to be perfectly professional, just make sure all of your content remains true to your brand identity.